Types of Radish

Radish Watermelon: Equal Parts Beauty and Health

Radishes are one of the oldest vegetables to be recorded in history. According to a popular Greek folktale, a physician named Androcydes often advised his patients to eat radishes to combat intoxication. Deemed as the superfood disguised as a root, radishes have several avatars, each as good as the other.  Sometimes referred to as a […]

Types of Radish

The Differences Between Radish and Beets

Health wealth is one of the most infamous quotes used by almost everyone around the world. Good health is something everyone desires, and one food item can guarantee that it is leafy root vegetables. Radishes and beets are edible root vegetables in their entirety, from the leaves down to the fleshy roots. The roots are […]

Types of Radish

Radish and Animals, Who can eat it?

Are radishes good for your ‘paw’fect furry friend? Don’t we all love feeding our dogs and cats under the table? Those big, begging eyes make you give in and feed them scraps from your plate. However, you have to be careful about serving your ‘paw’fect friends in the long run. Animals, especially domestic pets, love […]

Types of Radish

Radish vs Turnip: A Radishing Debate

As the workday ends and suppertime looms near, the pressure of creating an edible meal begins, and questions start to surface: Will grandma be able to chew through this chicken? Is pumpkin pie a good post-meal dessert, or does it just taste like a festive candle? Are mashed turnips a dull option, or are radishes […]

Types of Radish

In a Nutshell: Eating Radish Daikon

If there could be the best replacement for “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, it’d be the popular Chinese proverb, “eating pungent radish and drinking hot tea lets the starved doctors beg on their knees.” Radish (Raphanus sativus) is a cruciferous vegetable that originated in Asia and Europe. The small, red radish variety […]