Types of Radish

Fodder Radish

A fodder radish is a crop that grows rapidly and has various benefits. It takes no more than about 10 days for a fodder radish to germinate. These radishes are a part of the Brassica family, which means fodder radishes have cabbage, mustard, arugula, etc., as cousins.

One of the many abilities a fodder radish withholds is sucking up as many nutrients as it can from the soil. It is extremely valuable as a cover crop as it breaks up the compaction of the soil. At a time, these radishes were only known to be an extremely aromatic vegetable. Now, they are gaining popularity for their ability to be a cover crop.

The Origin Of Fodder Radish

All sorts of radishes can be located in Southeast Asia, which is why scientists believe that the origin of the fodder radish can be traced back to that area. But some suggest fodder radishes have roots back in Europe too. Radishes are typically considered a European crop. Many say the radishes were one of the very first crops that the Americans were made familiar with. So the Asian radish might be different from the European-originated radish in this case.

In today’s world, radishes are grown almost everywhere. Since fodder radishes are a well-known cover crop now, farmers plant them very often. They are used for many different reasons in various areas.

Harvesting Fodder

One of the plus points about fodder radishes is that they grow really quickly. The harvesting of these radishes can easily be done after 3-6 months of planting them. It depends on the time you planted the radishes. The soil temperature and quality also have a major contribution to the growth of the radishes.

A fodder radish has to be sown towards the end of the growing season because the seed typically takes around 60 days to grow properly. The ideal time to plant your fodder radishes would be in the last weeks of August.

Is Fodder Radish Edible?

Yes! Fodder radishes are edible. Fodder radishes are generally grown for their seeds that are exceptionally rich in oil. And the leaves are used to make stock feed and manure. The young leaves of a fodder radish can be used in salads or cooking green meals. Fodder radish seeds have a very unique and spicy flavor. Popularly used in salads and the oil extracted from them is also edible.

People mainly use the parts of these radishes when they are young because once the plant is properly mature, it becomes tough. The roots, leaves, and seedpods become very fibrous, and the leaves get a more coarse texture.

The Uses of Fodder Radish

Fodder radishes have countless uses. However, there are not a lot of recipes for these that you would run into. One of the major uses that have been discussed before is its importance as a cover crop. The production of a huge amount of organic material in the soil in only a small time is another task fodder radishes do effortlessly. Storing the nutrients in them after capturing them from all around the soil and releasing them back into the soil is what farmers plant in for. This improves the soil state to masses and with the minimum effort. Here are a few of the many ways a fodder radish can be used for.

Role as Oil Radish

The oil from the radish seed is very rich and beneficial. It is amazing for your hair as it enhances the outlook and the texture of your hair. It can also be used regularly on the nails and skin to give a healthy shine to them. Radish oil is known greatly for the health benefits it withholds.

One of the most common uses of the oil is to cure ringworms. Treating jaundice, purifying the blood, solving stomach problems, and treating fungal infections are some of the things the oil from a fodder radish seed can do.

Controlling Weed

When it comes to controlling weed growth, fodder radishes top the list. A great crop to improve the quality of the soil and end any weed growth. Suppressing the weed is something farmers tend to struggle with. And cover crops are usually used to help the farmers in the scenario. However, not all cover crops are effective in the same way, which is why when it comes to effectiveness, fodder radishes are the go-to crop!

Soil temperature and the climate can be a hindrance for many cover crops to perform perfectly. Fodder radishes have the perfect suppression of fall weed. And the production of the crops increases immensely too. One good radish stand in your field will eliminate almost all the weeds growing there.

Improves Soil Structure

These radishes have strong and long roots. Once mature, the roots are fibrous and tough and help in improving the soil structure massively too. Moreover, the channels created by the roots stay open from their surfaces on the soil. This aids infiltration of nutrients and water warms up the soil better, and surface draining improves. Fodder radishes also stop the soil from eroding, leading to a stronger base.

Produces Huge Quantity of Organic Matter

And of course, the production of organic material is something fodder radishes are famous for. It adds up a huge amount of organic matter to the soil, keeps the nitrogen content of the soil in place, and improves the water and soil quality.

Planting them reduces the amount of fertilizer that has to be used for plants because fodder radishes make the soil rich in nutrients and increase the production of crops.

Final Thoughts

Radishes have an excellent potential to be useful in any way possible. With all the organic benefits it has, it can be used as a replacement and even a better alternative for many things.

All farmers need to do is to utilize it in better ways and use it to enhance their soil. Let it be as a cover crop, a winter graze, green manure, feed, or nourishment for the soil. The possibilities are endless!

By Radish Lover

Radish Lover

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