Types of Radish

How to Grow Radish

Each one of us knows that setting a beautiful garden for the front lawn requires time and patience. It isn’t just about having a lush green lawn, but also about decorating it with the choicest plants and flowers. While some of us choose flowers and shrubs, many prefer turning their front lawn/backyard into a beautiful […]

Types of Radish

Taste of Health: Radish Kimchi Benefits

Call it modern-day health awareness or an innate need to compensate for the amount of junk we dump into our bodies, ‘healthifying food’ is our current obsession. One of the most popular ways to do this is by replacing chips and fries with a side salad and our beers with some healthy juice or smoothie.  […]

Radish Recipes

Pickled Radish Recipe to Zest Up Your Mains

Imagine this. You are at a restaurant waiting for your meal. When it arrives, the server lays out a couple of regular condiments with it. You reach for them, but the oil and the spices stop you halfway through. Enter, pickled radish recipe. It is the perfect blend of health, taste, and goodness that you […]

Types of Radish

Radish Watermelon: Equal Parts Beauty and Health

Radishes are one of the oldest vegetables to be recorded in history. According to a popular Greek folktale, a physician named Androcydes often advised his patients to eat radishes to combat intoxication. Deemed as the superfood disguised as a root, radishes have several avatars, each as good as the other.  Sometimes referred to as a […]

Radish & Diet

Radish Nutritional Benefits: The Complete Guide

In an age when everything sells under the labels of ‘organic’ and ‘superfoods,’ nature’s original superfoods are taking a back seat. Take the humble radish, for example. Trapped as a garnish, the root holds a plethora of nutrients and unsuspected benefits.  From its ability to cure common flu to its fibrous property that helps in […]

Types of Radish

In a Nutshell: Eating Radish Daikon

If there could be the best replacement for “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, it’d be the popular Chinese proverb, “eating pungent radish and drinking hot tea lets the starved doctors beg on their knees.” Radish (Raphanus sativus) is a cruciferous vegetable that originated in Asia and Europe. The small, red radish variety […]